New Sound System Comes to TLC – A Resounding Thanks!
Texas Lions Camp just completed installation of a brand, new public address system at the Camp’s amphitheatre. On average, TLC’s Kerrville based campus hosts 1,500 children per year from across the State of Texas and celebrates their accomplishments at the amphitheatre each Friday evening of the summer, camping season.
It is an amazing experience to collectively celebrate the accomplishments of these children. For many, this kind of opportunity remains elusive and a rare event…to have their name called from a microphone so that their achievement(s) can be publicly recognized as they move to center stage before a crowd of 600 people is a moving and powerful experience for all.
The new sound system is comprised of professional quality, outdoor components, that are a vast improvement over the temporary system that has been used since TLC’s inception. Our practice has been to setup a portable sound-system each Friday evening, which poses a hazard to both equipment and personnel, not to mention the additional time outlay in an already task-packed day. The former system has worked with some success, but has often left those in the back wondering what was said.
The new system sports 4-two way high output speakers, 1 sub-woofer that you can feel from a distance, 2 Crown amplifiers, 1 Rolls mixer, and 2 high-end wireless microphones the latter of which are all encased in a weather-proof, secure cabinet.
What does a state-of-the-art, new sound system mean to an operation such as Texas Lions Camp? It is at the heart of our mission to improve the self-esteem of children with special medical conditions. Thanks to the generous gift made by the Odessa Downtown Lions Club, we now have an improved system by which to tell everyone present that Children Can…With TLCTM.
And now we can say it with more volume and clarity than ever before…well done and MANY THANKS!
Sincerely yours,
Stephen S. Mabry, CFRE, CAE
Chief Executive Officer
Texas Lions Camp, Inc.
Chief Executive Officer
Texas Lions Camp, Inc.
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