Our Living Heritage
I have just returned from the Lions Legends Tribute, hosted by District 2-S2’s Past District Governor’s Association, and I am so thankful to have been a participant in this amazing ceremony. In an unprecedented act of patronage, three of our Camp Past Presidents (PDG Eddie Munger: 1967-1969, PDG Jimmy McPherson 1973-1975, and PDG Fred Hamilton: 1979-1981) were honored for their leadership and service to others before a crowd of ~200 Lions, family members and friends.
The event was held at the Crown Plaza Hotel in Houston and included multi-media (courtesy Terry Landers), a reception, lunch and myriad speakers, of which I was one. Master of Ceremonies for this auspicious occasion was IPD Don Buckalew, who did a fantastic job as always. Also on hand to commemorate the occasion, was the Nash 3, injecting their flare for music and a celebration of patriotism and heritage like only they can do.
One of the highest callings we have as people is to esteem and honor our seniors – especially our senior, seniors. These living treasures possess a wealth of experience, knowledge, and wisdom…and when you look into their eyes, you are immediately confronted with the contrast of those who have learned first-hand what really matters in life.
To honor those who have lived their life with such dignity and who have paved the way for us to flourish is cousin to the act of expressing thankfulness. We must practice the discipline of thankfulness early and often if we are to live on the high plain for which we have been called.
My congratulations and heart-felt thanks go out to PDG, Dr. Irv Wishnow, PDG Ron Landers and the PDG Association of District 2-S2 for their tireless efforts in organizing this land-mark event.
I for one, found this to be a defining moment and a most welcome reminder of the things that really matter in life. I hope that the event is something that will not only be repeated in District 2-S2, but will become contagious and repeated as a matter of practice in the other 15 districts and beyond.Best regards,
Stephen S. Mabry, CFRE, CAE
Chief Executive Officer
Texas Lions Camp, Inc.
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