Frontier Village – What’s New at TLC in 2012
Stephen S. Mabry, CFRE, CAE
Executive Officer
With over a
decade of planning, fund-raising and round-table discussions, Texas Lions Camp
is proud to announce the addition of Frontier Village as one of the many new
resources awaiting Children at Texas Lions Camp for the summer of 2012. The new
facility is a “themed” campsite that is constructed to remind visitors of the
frontier and “old west” style amenities that may have been seen in the area
with early settlements (except for ours has a foundation, reinforced steel
girders and over 24 ceiling fans).
a serene valley, campers will be treated to one-of-a-kind views, out-door
cookouts, and sleeping under the stars in an outdoor setting. The new site is
situated to the North of the main campus and overlooks the sports lake -
portions of which can be seen from inside - since the pavilion’s NW elevation
stands open to the view for campers to enjoy.
Many campers
come from the inner-cities or for other reasons may have never had the
opportunity to camp overnight in nature. The new campsite will provide campers
the opportunity to experience nature and overnight camping at its finest while
never being more than 500 yards from the infirmary and the Camp proper. The
natural path leading to Frontier gently meanders through the woods and is both
wide and relatively flat, making the trek accessible to all, regardless of
their abilities or appliances used for ambulation.

While the
design and concept for the new campsite had been adopted by the Board of
Directors some time ago, the price tag was rather steep at an estimated
$250,000.00 – that is, until Lions District 2-X2 stepped forward with a
$116,000.00 pledge for funding as well as a volunteer contractor in Past
District Governor Jimmie Muckleroy. In addition to owning a contracting
company, PDG Muckleroy is also director of a volunteer group of contractors and
handy-men known as the “Christian Church Disciples of Christ” whose mission
leads them to travel abroad, helping organizations erect structures so that the
organization can better accomplish their mission…and that certainly has been
the result at Texas Lions Camp.
construction on this scale is outside the norm for Texas Lions Camp, and there
were many details and obstacles that had to be addressed in order for the
project to proceed. Moreover, both the distance and construction requirements
that are unique to building in the rocky, Texas Hill-Country, posed many puzzles
to be unraveled by PDG Muckleroy and his crew who are based in deep East Texas;
however, by working together, consulting and inviting the participation of a
number of Kerrville based contractors and a determination to overcome issues,
children visiting Texas Lions Camp from this point forward will benefit as a
result of this tremendous effort. My heart-felt appreciation and
congratulations go to PDG Jimmie for his tremendous work and sacrifice in
seeing this project through to completion. Many thanks also to Mike Dyal, of
Kerrville based Mike Dyal Custom Homes,
for his many hours devoted to the project.
It is definitely
noteworthy to also let you know a number of Dads and relatives of TLC campers both
worked on this project and donated towards making this project a reality both
for their children and the children of others. I can’t think of many things
stronger than that!
In addition,
I can’t express my appreciation and admiration enough for the many fine Lions
of District 2-X2. They have a long standing and distinguished record of service
to children through Texas Lions Camp, and have once again stepped up in a big
way on behalf of the children we serve.
Lastly, I
would be remiss if I did not also mention the tremendous efforts of 2nd
Vice-President Leon Van Alstine and DG-elect, Nancy Van Alstine for their
tireless efforts in presenting their vision for Frontier Village to the
District of 2-X2. The many presentations and long trips they have made to
invite the financial support needed for the District to adopt and financially
support the project was the impetus and driving force behind our ability to
move forward to completion in time for Summer Camp 2012.
am very excited for our kiddos and can’t wait to see the wonder in their eyes
as they enter this new facility that has been constructed just for them.
S. Mabry, CFRE, CAE
Chief Executive Officer